Monday, September 26, 2011


So, my life has recently revolved around cleaning, or school work. this makes for a rather unhappy Sicilian. I'm tired of fighting, and def. tired of dealing with drama. Cleaning gives me an outlet to get all my anger and frustration out, and i know the boy is going to read this, not mad at him, not frustrated with him. the way that i deal with things that upset me is to internalize them, and for me its easier to keep it inside then to fight with people. 
A lot of the time this back fires on me, i get so frustrated that i blow up. in better news two of my friends are finally dating, i hope it works out for them both. 
My history paper topic for Early Middle Ages changed, couldn't find enough primary resources which was really annoying so now I am writing on the Christianization of Pagan festivals and practices which is a subject that has always kinda fascinated me. Being a History major has always been my dream, and recently I added another aspect of things to that, computers. But history has and always will be my passion, computers is something I am good at. I have a small collection of books in my room, and have about thirteen books out of the library right now which is a new personal best lol. Research is going well and all I need to do right now is type up a primary bibliography page to turn in on wednesday. 

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